Monday 12 July 2010

I libri d'Robert Harris

Estam amir i libri d'avtoro, jurnalisto y novelisto Robert Harris. Dar "Fatherland, "Enigma", "Archangel", "Pompeii", "Imperium" y "The Ghost" por eksemplu.

Estu libru famus d'crimu "Fatherland" u libru primus qv'estam lir d'Robert Harris, con un plotu inteligentus y absorbus qv'est plazirdt in tidu d'Hitler.

In momentu, estam consumir novelu "Archangel" d'Harris qv'est jugir in Rusku d'tidu altus y novus. Estu storu d'libru u qvestu/serku d'hero Fluke Kelso por "libru d'jur"/logu d'Josef Stalin y u sekretu qv'est lokirdt in urbi Moskvu y Arkhangelsk.

Paralelu, estu libru novus "The Ghost" un filmu con skriptu d'direktoro Roman Polanski con nomu "The Ghost Writer" qv'est presentirdt in teatri d'filmu europis in Marsu 2010 con aktori Ewan McGregor y Pierce Brosnan.

Estam amir - I (am) love(ing)
i libri d' - the books of...
avtoro, jurnalisto y novelisto - author, jounalist and novelist (male)
dar - there is/are...
por eksemplu - for example
estu libru famus d'crimu - the famous
u libru primus - the first book
qv'estam lir d'Robert Harris - which I (am) read(ing) by Robert Harris
con un plotu inteligentus y absorbus - with an intelligent and absorbing plot
qv'est plazirdt - which is placed
in tidu d'Hitler - in the times of Hitler
in momentu - at the moment
estam consumir - I (am) consume(ing)
novelu "Archangel" d'Harris - (the) novel Archangel
qv'est jugir - which (is) plays(ing)
in Rusku - in Russia
d'tidu altus y novus - of the old and new time
estu storu d'libru - the story of the book is...
u qvestu/serku d'hero Fluke Kelso - the quest/search of the hero Fluke Kelso
por "libru d'jur"/logu d'Josef Stalin - for the diary/log of Josef Stalin
y u sekretu - and the secret
qv'est lokirdt - which is located/hidden
in urbi Moskvu y Arkhangelsk - in the cities Moskow and Arkhangelsk
paralelu - at the same time, also
estu libru novus "The Ghost" - zhe new book "The Ghost" is...
un filmu con skriptu d'direktoro Roman Polanski - a movie with a script by director Roman Polanski
qv'est presentirdt in teatri d'filmu europis - which is presented in the European cinemas
in Marsu 2010 - in March 2010
con aktori Ewan McGregor y Pierce Brosnan - with the actors Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan

Por mori informazoni sur "ArtuYCulturu" (AYC) y Eulingu contaktir, con-vil-ud!

© 2010 Skol d'Eulingu

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