Friday 6 March 2009

Wikipedia - The arts

The arts is a broad subdivision of culture, composed of many expressive disciplines. It is a broader term than "art", which as a description of a field usually means only the visual arts (comprising fine art, decorative art, architecture and crafts). The arts encompasses visual arts, literature, the performing arts, including music, drama, film, dance and related media, and by some definitions other areas such as fashion. A more complete list is given below.

The various arts

A precise definition of the arts can be contentious, but the following areas of activity usually are included:

* Acting
* Architecture
* Visual arts
* Calligraphy
* Conceptual Art
* Crafts
* Culinary art
* Dance
* Decorative art
* Design
* Drawing
* Fashion
* Film
* Ikebana
* Invention
* Language
* Literature
* Prayer
* Music
* Opera
* Origami
* Painting
* Photography
* Poetry
* Graphic arts and Printmaking
* Sculpture
* Theatre
* Video

In the Middle Ages, skills were divided into the Artes Liberales (liberal arts) taught in medieval universities as part of the Trivium: (grammar, rhetoric, and logic) and the Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy), and the Artes Mechanicae (mechanical arts) such as metalworking, farming, cooking, business and the making of clothes or cloth. The modern distinctions between "artistic" and non-artistic skills did not develop until the Renaissance.

In modern academia, the arts are usually grouped with or a subset of the Humanities. Some subjects in the Humanities are history, linguistics, literature, philosophy, women's studies. Newspapers typically include a section on the arts.

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